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The Piano Guys 2018 tour
The Piano Guys 2018 Tour

The Piano Guys “Christmas Together Tour” 2018

This event took place in West Palm Beach on November 28, 2018 > The Piano Guys, who created an Internet phenomenon with their original blend of classical music with pop, consist of Jon Schmidt on piano, and one other instrumentalist, Steven Sharp Nelson, on cello. Yet the other two, producer / videographer Paul Anderson, and music producer / songwriter Al van der Beek, are equally significant members of the group.

The spectacular videos, which have so far netted over 1.2 billion YouTube views (their YouTube channel also has over 5.4 million subscribers), are essentially divined by Anderson. “Jon had built up a fan base for 20 years, and we used that as a springboard for getting exposure,” Anderson notes, “but it’s all about the merits of the videos, and share-ability. People see them and then share them with their friends on Facebook, and before you know it, they can take off.”

“Lots of parents are using our music to show their kids how fun classical music can be and motivate them to learn instruments,” says Schmidt. The Piano Guys’ cover song mash-ups, adds Nelson, have become “a great way to introduce ourselves and make an instant connection with our audience as a classic spin on new stuff – and a new spin on classic stuff.”

“We’re all spiritual guys, and the only way to properly explain it is not to take credit!” says Nelson. “It really seems meant to be.” The Complete Guide to West Palm Beach, FL!

About David

David J Castello is the Editor-in-Chief and Chief Operating Officer for the Castello Cities Internet Network (,,, etc). His debut novel, The Diary of an Immortal (1945-1959) was published in 2016. Visit:

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